She is so friendly that you can enjoy talking with her even if you have butterflies in your stomach when speaking English.
I highly recommend her if you want to enjoy chatting in English.
Greetings from Shikoku... Hello! My name is Colin and I live in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. I first came to Japan in 1996 from my hometown of Melbourne, Australia. I'm married with three kids and enjoy living a simple, healthy life in the countryside of Japan. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time cycling, hiking, and walking around my neighborhood -- I usually try to walk at least 7km every
Hello! I'm Asami. Learning and teaching languages are my passion. I studied Polish language in Tokyo, and Teaching English in Connecticut, US. I'd be happy to help you learn Japanese/English along with their culture (I lived in Poland for half a year and in the US for about 3 years).Looking forward to talking to you!
A big hello to you from the Big Apple! 來個紐約式的招呼吧! 我是來自美國的Cammie,擁有超過15年的ESL講師經驗,教學族群橫跨4歲到60歲,所以任何年齡都歡迎參加我的課程!我的學員來自世界各地(包括日本),甚至還有來自加拿大蒙特利特的前警官,那裏的官方語言是法語。 我已取得碩士學位及TEFL認證。從大班實體課程、個人家教到線上課程,我都有充裕的教學經驗。課程風格非常豐富有活力,一定能讓你收穫滿滿!憑藉多年的教學經驗,我對ESL領域有充分的了解,希望能和大家分享這些知識! 每當看見學員頓悟的明亮眼神,我就感到雀躍無比,因而對教學更有熱忱。教學總是被認為是一項深具意義的工作,我也是這麼確信著的,畢竟能夠幫助人們達成各種目標,何樂而不為呢?更何況教學又是如此有趣的一件事! 我的興趣是旅行(我曾經一個人前往西歐當背包客)、烹飪、玩Sc
【Profile】 I'm involved with Yoko Ishida, Suara and other artist support, video game music, TV commercials, J League Shonan Bellmare' player entrance music recording, and other projects regardless of genre. In 2012 I released my first solo album. Currently I'm involved with my own band and give guitar and ukelele lessons.【Self introduction】 Hello everyone! I have worked as a guitar and ukelele teac
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