I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible patience and dedication over the past year during our Japanese conversation lessons.
Your enthusiasm for teaching and your supportive approach have made learning Japanese an enjoyable and enriching experience for me.
Thank you for your kindness, patience, and commitment to my learning journey. I am deeply appreciative of all the effort and passion you put into our lessons.
Nice to meet you. My name is sa.kura and I am a Korean language tutor. I moved to South Korea in 2012 after studying Korean at a foreign language university in Japan. I had been teaching Japanese to Koreans at a Japanese language school during that time. (I have completed the 420-hour Japanese language teacher training course and passed the Japanese Language Teaching Proficiency Test). From 2
What are Shio’s (시오) lessons like? <Recommended for the following students> Those who want to improve their listening skills.(You can’t see the other person’s mouth, so your listening ability will improve.) Those who want to speak Korean without feeling intimidated. Those who are not comfortable talking on the phone.(I will adjust my pace.) Those who are not sure about what to talk about.(Don’t w
大家好! 我是 Cafetalk 講師 SeungYeon!綽號是 Ten Ten! 小學時期,我對日本歌手「GACKT」一見鍾情、愛上日本音樂並開始學習日語。現在仍是個每年參加一次演唱會的宅宅講師! 如果大家也有喜歡的偶像或戲劇,歡迎直接來到韓國感受那份感動並學習韓語 :) Ten Ten 老師的檔案 - 已取得 JLPT N1/JLPT N2 177 分- 主修國際貿易學系- 大約 2 年 7 個月的國外業務經歷- 線上購物:Ten Ten 商店代表人- Ten Ten 日語家教/經營 Ten Ten 日語部落格及 Instagram Ten Ten 老師的課程? - 會以學員程度和興趣規劃課程。 - 提供課程結束後仍能隨時複習的詳細課後回饋! - Ten Ten 老師不會讓課程變得乏味無趣且浪費時間。我會開心地和你分
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