最新更新时间: July 5 (每隔週五更新!)

category image 学科辅导 评价排行


来自: 住在:

Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

来自: 住在:

Hi Everyone,My name is Shirin Banoo. I am basically an Engineer with 25 years of work experience. I travelled across 9 countries in my career span so

来自: 住在:

Hello everyone! I'm Emiemi.T, an online tutor currently living in the Netherlands!I used to live in Japan & Melbourne, Australia.I worked as a Ja

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来自: 住在:

Me and My Teaching ExperienceHello students! My name is Natalie. I finished a bachelor’s degree from the Pontifical and Royal University of San

category image 学科辅导 重複听课排行榜


来自: 住在:


来自: 住在:


来自: 住在:

Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

来自: 住在:

Hello, I'm nonsuke.  I have a masters degree from Osaka University Graduate School of Sciences and a high school and junior high school teacher's lic

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Hello, I'm Yumi. Nice to meet you. Do you like to study? Is it fun? Break the vicious cycle of "I don't know" and "I'm not good at it" and beginning

category image 学科辅导 热门讲师排行


来自: 住在:

Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

来自: 住在:


来自: 住在:

Hello! I’m Eriko.F.I always wanted do work that helped children grow, so I became a teacher and taught middle school social studies. Currently, I wor

来自: 住在:

Hello, I'm nonsuke.  I have a masters degree from Osaka University Graduate School of Sciences and a high school and junior high school teacher's lic

来自: 住在:

大家好,我係来自广东嘅Jerry, 普通话同埋广东话係我嘅母语。 我住喺深圳,我有3年嘅普通话同埋广东话教学经验 ,我係一个性格好开朗嘅人,我好中意同世界各地嘅人倾计,我中意学习唔同国家嘅文化,我都中意了解唔同人嘅谂法。 首先我会了解你学习粤语嘅目标同埋目的,我会测试你嘅粤语水平,之后根据你嘅目标
