My Summer in France!


This summer was very busy for me. One reason is that I moved from Japan to New York City! The other reason, is that I went on a month-long trip to France in between moving. I am exhausted, but so happy I was able to have this experience.

During my time in France I went several places. For the first week I was in Corsica, a small, breathtakingly beautiful island south of France. Here is a picture:

I spent another two weeks traveling around the south of France with my boyfriend. We went to Nice, Marseilles, Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, and Grasse. This region is famous for lavendar, soap, and beautiful beaches. 

My last 10 days in France were spent in Paris, where I did many touristy activities such as visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Sacre Coeur, and drank wine near the Seine River. I also saw part of Notre Dame, but unfortunately I could not see a lot as it is under construction. I hope to see it in a few years after the reconstruction is complete. 

It was so lovely to visit France, because this is where my boyfriend is from. I have been enjoying studying French for the last year, and I really got to practice and improve my speaking and listening skills. I cannot wait to go back!

Here I am enjoying a sunset near the Seine River, and sharing a bottle of wine with my boyfriend. 

Outside the Louvre. Check out the beatiful clouds!

Have you ever visited France? What was your favorite part? Tell me in the comments below. :)

Thanks for reading!

Kame <3

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