My Monthly Goals for May


Today is May 1st, 2015. 

Today, is the last first of May for this year. 

How have you spent the day so far??

My day has been full of reviewing what I accomplished last month, and what I want to accomplish this month.


Here are my top 10 goals for this month (MAY):

1. Save money. 

2. Put up a course on Udemy.

3. Complete at least 4 modules on my TEFL course.

4. Work out and run daily.

5. Learn how to edit videos.

6. Get a UK visa.

7. Buy tickets to go to the U.S.A.

8. Skype my grandmother every week.

9. Give my mom a really nice Mother's Day gift.

10. Floss everyday.

I didn't set as high of goals as I did last month, so hopefully I will be able to meet more of them!

I'll let you know how I did at the end of the month :)

Wish me luck!! And set yourself some goals for this month!!


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  • Elaina.C

    Hi Yoko, Thank you very much for your comment! I used to be really bad at getting things done and procrastinating, so I decided to set myself monthly goals. It seems to be helping a lot. I also set myself daily goals and that really helps. It always makes me feel good when I get to cross something off of my to-do list :) I've always enjoyed writing, so it makes me feel good when people actually read what I write and like it :)

  • Yoko

    Elaina, Thanks for letting us know your concrete plans for each month. Also you seem to be quite consistent with your monthly plan and try to make effort to to reach the goal as much as possible. You are still very young but quite a determined woman,.. I think. Reading such a candid blog by native speaker is a very useful lesson for us too ! We can learn their everyday casual style of writing English. ( I always come across quite new and interesting expressions in your blog ) Thank you and please try to continue as long as possible !

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