English Boost Tip #1: Read Children's Books!


Textbooks aren't much fun. Reading real books for natives is more interesting, but books for adults might be too difficult. But have you tried reading children's books?

Even if have studied English for years, you can learn a lot from children's books. Can you name all the animals in a zoo in English? What about train parts? The planets in our solar system? Books for kids are great, because they will introduce new words with easy context. They usually have pictures. They often explain difficult vocabulary.

If you're a complete beginner, you can read books for preschoolers. You can learn the words for farm animals, things around the house, and common verbs. If you are more intermediate, move on to books for elementary school students - picture books, short books about science and history, or simple chapter books. At an advanced level, books for middle school or high school students might still be a fun challenge.

Not only does reading books help you learn, you will feel more accomplished. Because you can see that you are learning real English.
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