What would Spot say if she could speak?

주간 토픽: If your pet could speak, what would it say??

Viktoria Schlachta

This is an interesting question. Spot is a 2-year old Border Collie-Terrier mix, playful and full of energy. She loves taking long walks and climbing up on things, as seen on the above picture. What do YOU think she might be saying on that ladder? Perhaps she's saying "Hooray! Look at me!" or "Wait here. I'll go and check out the top of this thing." 

 Border Collies are said to be one of the smartest dog breeds. Indeed, Spot often behaves very smart. When there's a big mess in our garage and we can't find something, we can say, "Spot, where's the (name of object)? Find the (name of object), Spot!" She will start searching and if she finds the object, she will point to it with her nose! She knows a lot of objects and toys by name, and she's also familiar with daily routines. On Friday evenings she comes into the kitchen and points at the trash can, because it's time to take out the trash! In winter, when we go outside, she points at my boots! She knows that I have to put on the boots before we leave the house. She's always watching us and listening to learn newer and newer words!

Does YOUR dog or cat do funny and smart things? Maybe you don't keep dogs or cats, but fish or birds. They can also be funny and interesting. I would love to hear stories about your pets! I think we could share lots of amusing pet adventures here in Cafetalk.

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