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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Jasmin H 강사 칼럼

The way to one's heart is through the stomach

주간 토픽: My Favorite Cafes & Restaurants

2020년 9월 16일 | 1 코멘트

My favourite restaurant is called "Momiji". It's a cute little shop in a sidestreet in the western part of Berlin. I've been there the first time several years ago with a friend of mine. When we left we weren't sure if we could still walk or if we should just roll home as we ate so much!^^ The food there is fantastic! It's based on Japanese Home cooking, with my favourite being the Takoyaki. In my opinion, they taste excactly like the ones you get from Osaka's street vendors. :) The chef is so nice, too, and always helps me patiently with my Japanese when I try to order.^^"
The restaurant also has a very special place in my heart now, as two years ago my then boyfriend and now husband proposed to me there.^^ So even if it was not my cooking, bringing him there was apparently enough to claim his heart for me! ;)

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