ジェネーレションギャップ?「なににメモる?」…( ..)φメモメモ

주간 토픽: Is this a generation gap?

Kyoko O.

テレビ番組[ばんぐみ]で「スマホにメモるのが嫌[いや]な人の割合[わりあい]はどれくらい?」という質問[しつもん]がありました。紙[かみ]にメモする、スマホのアプリを使[つか]ってメモするなど今はいくつかの方法[ほうほう]がありますね。ちなみにそのクイズ番組の調査結果[ちょうさけっか]は、20代[だい]から60代[だい]の人[ひと]に聞[き]いたところ、大体[だいたい]27%くらいの人[ひと]が「スマホにメモるのが嫌[いや]だ」という結果[けっか]でした。みなさんはどうですか。紙[かみ]にメモる派[は]? スマホにメモる派[は]?
メモる」:「メモ (名詞[めいし])」の動詞化[どうしか]です。意味[いみ]は「メモをする」「メモをとる」です。カジュアルな言葉[ことば]づかいです。フォーマルな場面[ばめん]では使[つか]いません。

*Some of my English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese.

In a TV program, there was a question "What is the ratio of people who don't like taking notes on the memo apps on their smart phones?". Nowadays, there are some ways for making a note like writing a memo on paper and taking a note on an app and so on.
By the way, the result of the survey in the TV program was something like about 27 percent of people from twenties to sixties don't like taking notes on the apps. How about you all? Do you prefer writing a memo or taking a note on an app? 
メモる」:The verbification of "メモ (noun)".  It means something like writing a memo /taking a note on an app.  it sounds casual. We don't use this word in a formal scenes generally.
If you have some topics to talk in Japanese, please check my conversation  lessons! 
Beside the conversation lessons, I have updated a few new lessons these past  few days.
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