「あれはなんだったんだろう?」 (´⌒`;)? ことばの複数の意味

Kyoko O.

*Some of my English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese.
A learner of Japanese A-san who lived in Japan at that time got lost, so A-san asked another person (B-san) who was walking on the street how to get to the station.
A: (「”ちょっと” 待てば教えてくれるということだな」と思いました。それでBさんの答えを待ちました)
B: (でもBさんは何も言わずに行ってしまいました) 
A:Excuse me, where is the XX station?
B:Ah…"chotto"(in Japanese)…
A: (A-san believed "chotto" meant "Wait a moment" in this case, so A-san was waiting for B-san's answer)
B: (However, B-san left there without saying anything)
What happened at that time?
A-san thought B-san's "chotto" meant "Just a moment". However, B-san's "chotto" actually meant something like "Sorry, I'm not sure of it". In Japanese culture, when we say "no" or decline, we tend to avoid saying the negative answer so directly or clearly, and we try to say it vaguely. At the moment, we tend to say "chotto…" (← we would tend to cut off the negative parts (...) after "chotto"/ the voice tone of "chotto" would go down⤵)  If B-san had added "wakarimasen" to "chotto", A-san might have understood what B-san meant. The meaning of "chotto"/ a speaker's intention for "chotto" depends on each context/ case.
We Japanese had a ton of experiences in the various cases with different voice tones and facial expressions since our childhood, even though there are still some cases in which we misunderstand each other unintentionally.  Therefore, I could imagine there would be some or many scenes in which learners of Japanese might be wondering "What was that?".
Why don’t we think of your "Why did it happen?"/ "What was that?" in my conversational lessons? I am going to send you a summary of the new words and expressions you would learn in our lesson.

If you have some topics to talk in Japanese, please check my conversation  lessons! 
Beside the conversation lessons, I have updated a few new lessons these past  few days.
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