A leisurely stroll in Autumn

주간 토픽: Autumn is the best season for ...


Autumn is the best season for going for a walk around the neighbourhood. The temperature is just right. The gentle heat of the sun’s rays reminds us of a summer that has come and gone, and the occasional cool breeze lets us know that winter is on its way.


Strolling through the park near our house, we can see parents sitting on benches sipping coffee while their kids run around. They watch on with warm smiles on their faces because they know that all this playful activity is going to wear their kids out and calm them down just in time for dinner.


Up in the trees, leaves are showing off their retro colours or catching a ride on the breeze. Looking around, we realize how beautiful and creative nature is and how lucky we are to be surrounded by it. Autumn is a nice time to be alive.


By the way, that handsome devil in the foreground is a craft beer called Aooni who looks (and tastes) good in all four seasons ;)

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