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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Andrew Teacher 강사 칼럼

Time travel to me

주간 토픽: If you could go back in time, what would you say to the middle school version of you?

2022년 1월 31일


A1: Wha… What on earth?
A2: Hi

A1: Who…who are you?…I’m calling the police!
A2: Well, that could be awkward. Listen. I don’t have much…time. I am you, get it? But like 30 years in the future!

A1: God… you look so…old.

A2: Do I have to remind you, that you are looking at you? Stay out of the sun, if you know what I mean.
A1: Are you really from the future?
A2: Yes, but only for two minutes. It’s called the “Ultraman Paradox”. Something to do with a Japanese physicist…So I don’t have any time to waste!
A1: What do you want!?
A2: Ok. Put down the game controller…
A1: Aww…
A2 And pick up that biro and paper and write this down..

A1: Oh…Kay…

A2: “Micro…soft”
A1: “Soft serve”?  like the ice cream?

A2: …No. Micro, like “Micro computer”, and soft, as in ‘software’
A1. ‘Micro...soft (ware)’. ok.

A2. …Next. ‘Bitcoin’…
A1 Oh…‘Bite coin’! Did you say ‘Bite coin’?
A2. Are you doing this on purpose!???  I said, ‘bit’, as in ‘bit of information’ and ‘coin’. Why would it be Bitecoin?
A1 Well… there were these chocolate coins that had golden foil covering that I got for Christmas last year and… and why is your chest flashing?

A2. Oh, it’s the Ultraman Paradox! So strange, that the laws of reality align with a Japanese action serial. It blew the minds of those scientists when they solved Quantum Mechanics too. Well, I gotta go. See you!

Flash … Bang!
A1: Amazing! Simply Amazing. “Micro serve’ and ‘Bite coin’. Important words from the future…

이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

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