My Dream: To Be An Author!

주간 토픽: What did you want to become when you were a kid?


When I was a kid, I wanted to be an author. I read books all the time, especially books by my favourite author, Jacqueline Wilson. Growing up, my bookshelves were filled with her novels. I liked to write stories and knew that it was my dream that when I grew up, I wanted to be an author.
Many years later (and now in my 30's) I'm proud to say that I've achieved my dream! I have two jobs - one is teaching, and the other is writing. In the picture are some of my books. I write for a lot of different companies. Sometimes I ghostwrite children's books, and my clients let me write anything I choose. Sometimes I work with publishers to rewrite classic texts, such as the stories from Charles Dickens or William Shakespeare. I translate them into a more modern tongue so that young people today can enjoy them. I write all sorts of books, and when I'm not working for publishers, I write my own stories, too! Sometimes I write for children, but I also write books for adults. But my dream isn't over - now that I'm a writer, my dream is to improve and become even better, and maybe one day I'll be a successful author. Wouldn't it be amazing if I could become as successful as Jacqueline Wilson?! That really would be a dream come true!
What was your dream when you were a kid? Leave a comment and let me know! Or if, like me, you love books, how about booking a Book Club lesson so we can talk about your favourite novel?

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