Eid al-Adha.

Najada J.B

 كل عام وانتم بخير، بمناسبة عيد الأضحى، اتمنى لكم حياة مليئة بالحب والفرح  والنجاح والسلام

Wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid al-Adha 09. 07. 2022.

The "Feast of the Sacrifice" or "The Great Feast", as it is also called, lasts four consecutive days. This feast is in honor of the prophet Abraham put to the test by God who asked him to sacrifice his only son. He obeyed but God at the last second replaced the son with a lamb.

La “Festa del Sacrificio” o “La Grande Festa”, così viene anche chiamata, dura quattro giorni consecutivi. Questa festa è in onore del profeta Abramo messo alla prova da Dio che gli chiese di sacrificare il suo unico figlio. Lui obbedì ma Dio all’ultimo secondo sostituì il figlio con un agnello.


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