Give-away coupons!!! :-)

Elza B

Dear All, 

Milestones are important in life and I have just passed my 5OOth lesson today here, in Cafétalk! 

Why is it important for me? 
I started to work at Cafétalk in 2O18. I offered only English classes first, as being an English teacher by profession, I wanted to keep doing it online, as well. Then, students started to message me and request different lessons in different languages. Cafétalk helped me a lot by developing online classes, which was really useful in the times of pandemic when my school I am working for also required all the classes shifted online. I already had some materials made! :-) 

But the main advantage of Cafétalk in my life is not about class materials. There are so many kind-hearted and hard-working people that I proudly call my students, I got to know through this site! I'm especially happy that most of my students are recurring or when they pass their exams, they are reporting it to me. :-) That makes me really happy! 
Celebrate with me passing my 5OOth lesson today on Cafétalk and enjoy 25 % discount of my most popular and beloved classes: English language practice or Deutsche Unterhaltung! :-) I hope to see you many of you - both recurring or new students! :-) 
이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.


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