White Rabbit and Black Rabbit

주간 토픽: Tell us about your favorite book!

Teacher Asuka

Hello,everyone! I hope you're doing well. This is Teacher Asuka.

Today, I'll talk about my favorite book.

One of my favourite picture books is 'White Rabbit and Black Rabbit'. 
It is a heartwarming story about  two rabbits.
I've heard that this book is given as a popular wedding present.  
There are two rabbits in this book. They play together every day.  However, sometimes the black rabbit seems sad. Each time the white rabbit asks the black rabbit, "Why do you look so sad?" and the black rabbit answers, "I'm just wishing" or "I'm just thinking". 
Can you understand why the black rabbit looks so sad?
All a black rabbit wants to do is to stay with a white rabbit forever.
If a white rabbit knows what a black rabbit wants, what can a white rabbit do?
You are going to read this beautiful picture book, and find out the answer.
If you read this book, you will find out what true love is and why people think deeply and sometimes feel so sad even when they are with their loved ones. You will feel warm as you read it. You'll also find out how two rabbits become good friends and lovers. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thank you for being with me as always.
See you next time!

Teacher Asuka

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