5 material nouns with crazy usage as verbs!


Creating the verb forms of a noun is a fairly simple task. Although, some verbs have meanings far from their original verbs.
Here are some interesting ones-
Tape(like duct tape)
V-record (sound or pictures) on audio or video tape or by digital means.
For example: "It is not public who taped the event."
Fan(like ceiling fan)
V- cause (a belief or emotion) to become stronger or more widespread.
For example: "A rumor fanned by the press."

Wire(like copper wire)
V- send (money) to someone
For example: "He was expecting a fraud to wire him $13."
Table(like a wooden table)
V- postpone consideration of.
For example: "I'd like the plans to be tabled for the next few nights."
Chair(like a wooden chair)
V- act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event).
For example: "The debate was chaired by the head of the hikers' gang."
Let's see if we can add some more. Type your findings in the comment.
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