Favorite summer activities

주간 토픽: Favorite summer activities


**Having Fun in the Summer: My Favorite Things to Do**


Hello, Everyone! It's summertime, and that means the sun is shining and the days are long. I want to share with you the things I like to do in the summer. When we say summer, of-course we all think about the beach and waterparks. I love beaches too, but besides that, there's something else I really enjoy, and that's being around lots of green plants and trees.


**Admiring Nature**


When I say "greenery," I mean all the green plants and trees you see outside. Be it a park in the center of the bustling city or it's just your backyard. Everything is greener than usual and that soothes my heart. If we move slightly away from the busy city, a world of lush green landscapes opens up and that is so peaceful. When I lived in Tokyo, I tried to visit every possible park in the city and went hiking during summer to experience this green summer beauty. 



**Painting the Green World**


During summer, everything turns a beautiful shade of green. It's like nature is putting on its favorite color. And you know what? I love to paint, especially during this time. I take my paintbrushes and a special piece of paper called a canvas, and I try to paint what I see. It's like telling a story with colors. When I'm done, I feel really proud of my painting, and it reminds me of how pretty the summer green is.



This is the picture of a painting I created last summer.  



**Summer activities in my country vs Japan**


Japan is an Island, and my home country Nepal is a landlocked country. So, you can imagine how different these two countries can be. Summer and summer activities are also quite different in these two countries. Do you want to hear about it and compare between these countries? Let's talk about it in our next lesson. I will share with you some interesting facts and cultures. 

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