Easy Reading! My favorite summer activities.

주간 토픽: Favorite summer activities

Savannah W

Summer is too hot in Japan! I usually stay inside all day. However, I love barbecues!

Every year, my friends and I have a barbecue in a park. Barbecues are also popular in Texas (my hometown). In Texas, we grill hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks, and lots of vegetables like corn on the cob. People bring homemade food like potato salad or macaroni and cheese.

Usually, we have a barbeque in our backyard! In Texas, the houses are big. Sometimes, we have a neighborhood barbecue. Either we will barbecue at the house or we will barbecue at the end of the cul-de-sac.

My favorite barbecue foods are hamburgers and steaks. Though, I love Japanese barbecues! I love grillingclams and chicken.

What's your favorite barbecue food? Do you ever cook at the barbecue! Let's talk about it together.

Didn't understand something? Check here!


However: but しかし

Either…or: two choices または

At: We barbecue outside the house, so we use “at the house.” 家の外でバーベキューをするので、「in」の代わりに「at」を使います。

Though: but しかし

Love -ing: I love to do 「何の活動が大好きだ」の意味です。動詞の末に「ing」をつけます。


Usually: most times 普通に

Corn on the cob: corn without cutting it. 軸付きトウモロコシ

Homemade: made by hand 手作り

Macaroni and cheese: cheesy pasta マカロニ アンド チーズと言うパスタです。普通は、エルボーパスタとチーズソースで作ります。

Backyard: garden 家の後ろに大きな庭という意味です。

Neighborhood: an area of houses 近所

Cul-de-sac: end of a street 袋小路。ときどき、近所に袋小路がありますから、みんなは近所の袋小路で集まってバーベキューパーティーをします。

Clams: shellfish 貝

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