Bucket List

Bryan Dorman

In many parts of the English-speaking world, there are people that share amongst themselves a special group of ideas and write them down.  These ideas are often quite extraordinary and meant to be accomplished at least once in the person's lifetime.  In English, when a person "kicks the bucket," they die, so these lists are known as a "Bucket List", things the person wishes to do before he or she "kicks the bucket."

For example, one of my Bucket List activities, is to travel the entirety of the Pan-American Highway, a collection of roads that starts in the Arctic Ocean in Alaska and ends on the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego, on the southern coast of South America.  It is the highway that I marked in red on the American continent.

For others, it could mean achieving a childhood dream or doing something quite exotic.  For others, a religious pilgrimage halfway around the world could be considered.  For others still, trying unique food.

What items are on your Bucket List?  Feel free to tell me in my Conversation lessons or by commenting below!

이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.


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