FREE TO DREAM: Stefania Marchisone

Najada J.B

Embrace change, discover who you are,
live your own way…
Stefania, having found in poetry the fulfilment of her dreams and desires, proclaims to the four winds how important
it is to be free. Before facing any adversity or battle of life, before uttering any words, it is fundamental for the poet to feel
free; only this way every choice, even if wrong, will constitute
a fundamental step in her personal journey through the twists
and turns of existence.
Hafez Haidar
                                     Free to dream
Live hard
lose control
let yourself be fine without feeling guilty
enjoy peace around you when you are into the nature
breathe and live hard
allow yourself to rejoice in the small things
allow yourself to make mistakes and live hard
breathe deeply
speak loudly
make some noise
free your voice
it is worth it
no matter how it ends
I was there in every moment
listen quietly
free your emotions and savour
be yourself
free to dream
                                        Myself free
Myself free
above everything
every battle
every truth
every word
only this way every choice,
even if wrong,
opens a path
my path
La poetessa Stefania Marchisone

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