What is 好有梗喔? What is「哏」「梗」?


In Mandarin Chinese, "梗" (gěng) can have a few different meanings depending on the context:



1.Stem or stalk: This is the most common literal meaning of 梗, referring to the stem or stalk of a plant.



2. Clue or hint: 梗 can also refer to a clue or hint in a context where something is implied but not directly stated.



3.A joke or meme: In internet slang, "梗" can refer to a joke, meme, or punchline that is widely known and used, often across social media platforms. It can also refer to a recurring theme or joke style.


In the context of internet culture, 梗 often refers to internet memes or jokes that are widely recognized and used by Chinese netizens.If you've been studying Chinese for a while but find yourself unable to understand certain usages, don't worry, it's very likely just a ’「哏」「梗」‘!



Feel free to ask「這是什麼梗?」「這是什麼哏?」Zhè shì shén me gěng 'What's the geng with this?'"


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