Ms Judy
Ukusefya Pa Ngwena: A Bemba traditional ceremony
In Zambia, during the August month of Winter, the Bemba tribe has a special party called "Ukusefya ...
Ms Judy
Nature's helpers: Honey and Peppermint
Allergies can make a nice day not so nice, but there's hope in two natural helpers: honey and peppe...
Ms Judy
The joys of container gardening!
Container gardening is a way of gardening where you use pots or other containers instead of plantin...
Ms Judy
Why do some people laugh to the point of tears?
Laughter that brings tears is a fascinating mix of emotions and body reactions. When we find someth...
Ms Judy
Hallo! ドイツ語講師のEmmaです。YouTubeでドイツ語勉強法の配信を始めました。今回は動詞の変化の覚え方がテーマです。動画内の例はドイツ語ですが、主語に合わせて動詞の形が変わる言葉(フラ...
Emma D
When Artificial Intelligence Meets Nuclear Energy...
Does it lessen the threat of nuclear arms? Last week, The Norwegian Nobel Committee chose to awa...
こんにちは! 英語講師のJune_です(^^) 突然ですが皆さん、 What is your favorite quote? “quote”とは「引用文」のことですが、日本語でいう「座右の銘」や...
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