Hiroshi Saito Let's improve your symptoms such as back pain!
최근 강의: 1개월 이상

Let's improve your symptoms such as back pain!

This lesson is to learn how to press point on your body when you have some problems on your body or in your body.

레슨 상세 내용

I'm a licensed acupuncturist, a moxibustionist and a massager.
I have opened my acupuncture, moxibustion, massage and judo therapy clinic since 2006. I give oriental treatment with mainly meridians.
I treat patients who come to my clinic, and I also make house calls.
My treatment is effective, but self-care is also important to improve your condition and you can get back to normal condition earlier.
I play tennis and I belong to a tennis club. Some members have some problems on their body and they ask me how to improve their symptoms, and I give advice for them. After that, they are pleased with getting better.
Recently People have some problems on their body by remote work in COVID-19 pandemic.
Pressing points of human body can make their muscle contraction well, and it also can make their organs work well.
Not only pressing points but also exercise can make blood circulation well.
So I can give you advice how to improve your condition in this lesson.
If you have any questions about my lessons, feel free to message me.

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모든 레슨 모든 레슨
자기 계발
인생 상담
Hiroshi Saito

레슨 시간대  

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Asia/Tokyo 시간으로 표시됩니다.
Let's improve your symptoms such as back pain!

Hiroshi Saito


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