Sybille Problems in Austria?

Problems in Austria?

It is not always easy living in a foreign country, but I´ll try to make it easier: Counseling and Translation
기존의 수강생만 예약 가능합니다

레슨 상세 내용

Do you face any problems? For example any of these:

  • I got a letter from the „Stadtwerke“ (public utility company), that I don´t really understand…
  • I need to bring some specific documents to an administrative office, but I don´t really know where to get them or how to handle that…
  • There is some kind of problem with my apartment, but I don´t really know how to deal with it…
  • I have the feeling that my German colleague behaves differently towards me than to the others… Did I do something wrong?
If you have any letters or other written documents, I can translate and explain the content for you during the lesson and tell you how to proceed.

Maybe you also just have some kind of problem and you would like to hear the opinion of an Austrian person. I am convinced we´ll find a solution together to make your life in Austria so beautiful and unforgettable as possible. :)

The language we use during class will be German. If necessary we can switch to English or Japanese.

질병 또는 부상으로 치료 또는 요양 중에 있거나 신체적 제한이나 불편함이 있는 경우 또는 임산부인 경우 레슨 리퀘스트를 하기 전 의료 전문가와 상담하십시오.

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  • 언제든 취소 가능

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  • 노쇼→ 레슨 포인트의 100% 를 받고 있습니다.

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