Notizie da Lisa D.

September Coupons

Aug 23, 2021

Hello Students!

Here are coupons for you to use in the month of September on the lesson of your choice. 

Now is the time to book a lesson if you would like to discuss some news or learn some new idioms or even challenge yourself with a Ted-Ed Lesson!

I look forward to seeing you in a new lesson.  

Best Wishes, 


Coupon Name: September Coupon
Code: 09578bc4
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Sep 1, 2021 ~ Sep 30, 2021
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver)
Coupon Name: September Coupon
Code: 09578bc4
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Sep 1, 2021 ~ Sep 30, 2021
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver)

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