Notizie da Nadin Mai

Celebrate with 20% off!

Aug 20, 2018

It's quite amazing how fast time passes. It feels as though I became a tutor here on Cafetalk only yesterday. But no, in fact, it's been six months that I've been having the pleasure to meet wonderful people and to help them with their learning goals in German and English. With 50 given classes on my shoulders, I have learned a lot and my students, whom I'd like to thank for their trust, have helped me to grow as a teacher. 

It's the perfect occassion, I find, to celebrate this and to offer new students to discover my courses. I offer 20% off any course - English or German - and would love to meet you! Lesson packs are excluded, but after each single class taken, I usually create a lesson pack that is designed for a specific student if desired. My language packs are not generic. They're individual and they cater to specific needs in order to offer the best support to my students.

If you're interested, grab yourself a voucher and meet me in early September for a chat. I'm looking forward to meeting more students, more cultures and to progressing with my students who all do a fantastic job at expanding their cultural horizons. 

Best wishes and have a wonderful week!

Coupon Name: Hello New Students!
(New Students Only)
Code: 64b9445d
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Sep 4, 2018 ~ Sep 11, 2018
(GMT+02:00 DST Paris)

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