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Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
同じ事を何度も頭の中でグルグル考えてしんどくなることってありませんか? それは反芻思考っていうんですけど、疲れますよね。 引っかかることに対して自分の感情に飲まれてたり、これからどうしていくか整理...
人間関係。 特定の人とうまくいかないっていう事はありますよね。 それが他人なら関わらなければすむ事もありますが、家族ならなかなかそうはいかない。 辛い気持ちを見てみぬフリして、何も対処しないままだと...
Published 26 Sep, 2022 | View: 975
自分で決める事で自信になっていく こんにちは。Chihoです。   何かに挑戦したい、何かやりたい と思った時に、自分に許可を与えてますか?...
こんにちは!ちほです。ネガティブな感情って見る方が嫌って思ったりしますよね。自分が悲しいとか寂しいって感じているのを認めたくないっていう思いも人によってはあるでしょう。 だけど、強烈にあるものをみな...

Profilo di Chiho.

Nice to meet you! I'm Chiho and I'm a healing counselor. 
I hope even in Japan, it'll be easier to receive casual counselling so that people can develop the mindset of "I'll get some casual counselling on my way home from work."  
The reason is it's best to take care of stress before it builds up.
After my body broke down in my 30s, I learned meditation from a teacher who has been a counsellor and a healer for decades, and while talking with my teacher, I've learned to be myself and draw a line between myself and others.
I was able to view myself and things objectively.
At that time, my teacher told me that I had the potential to become a healer, so I learned meditation and healing therapies.
I've been meditating for a long time and nothing really distracts me anymore.
I recovered quickly as I've developed my self-worth. 
It's an integral part of my life now. 
I also received a qualification as a psychological counselor (mental care psychologist).
Even after I've fully recovered, I understand very well the feeling of those receiving counselling as I've done so for a long time in order to find my true value. 

I believe there are people that are busy every day who are having a hard time and tired but they don't know why or they don't know what to do. 
I believe some people have also had the experience that they want to talk to someone but there's no one to talk to.
I hope I can make those people relax during the lessons.
I'll also listen to stories about your sexuality, such as LGBTQ, and relationships with people around you.⭐︎ 
Confidentiality will be protected. 
All of my lessons are audio-only lessons.
Please feel free to give it a try. 
I'm looking forward to meeting you.⭐︎

【 Cafetalk Translation / December 2020 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn't speak English.

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  • La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.

Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)

  • Meno di 3ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ il 100% del costo viene addebitato.
  • Tra 3-12ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ il 50% del costo viene addebitato.
  • No-Show→ il 100% del costo viene addebitato.

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