Japonés | Native |
Inglés | Proficient |
Alemán | Proficient |
Húngaro | Just a few words |
Hello, I’m Sakura mochi. I studied Japanese teaching methods and qualified as a Japanese language teacher. After that I have had lessons for foreigners living in my hometown Sendai. Now I want to learn Japanese together with people around the world and joined Cafetalk.
I have a lot of hobbies, playing the violin, kimono, and cooking, etc. I want to know dishes in your country. Now I’m also learning Sadou (tea ceremony). And, oh, yes! I too like to learn foreign languages.
If you are a beginner, I can teach by using English. I’ll create fun lessons meeting your needs, for learners from a beginner to advanced learners.
Everyone who is interested in Japan and Japanese language, let’s learn Japanese together!
◆◆If you don't know which lesson suits you best, please don't hesitate to ask me by message.◆◆
Discount coupon for eager students
To make progress in a foreign language, it is important to study continuously. I issue discount coupons for students continuously learning.
Covered lessons:Elementary Japanese, Japanese for Intermediate Level and Above
It is repeated. It means you can have 2 discount lessons in 12 lessons.
*If you take a break for a certain period of time(more than 3 months), your lesson will be counted from the first time again.
For students who wish to take several lessons a day
I have set a limit on the number of lessons. This is to allow as many students as possible to take lessons. Thank you for your understanding.
・You can take up to 2 lessons a day.
・In case of 2 lessons a day, the maximum number of lesson days is 2 days a week.
Please note that bookings exceeding the maximum limit will not be accepted.
Q. Sakura mochi先生、こんにちは!まずは簡単に自己紹介をして頂けますか? A. こんにちは! 2017年12月からCafetalkの日本語講師を始めました、Sakura mochiです。講師になる前は、日本語教育と全然関係がないオフィスワーカーでしたが、講師になって、毎日とても楽しいです。 Q. 出身地についてお伺いします!先生が育った仙台を紹介して頂けますか? A. 仙台は、東京から新幹線で2時間ほど北に行ったところにある市です。東北地方で一番大きくて便利な街ですが、近くに海や山そして温泉もあり、自然が豊かで食べ物がとてもおいしいです。海外からの留学生が多いですが、みなさん、いい所だと言ってくださいます。2011年の東日本大震災では津波などの大きい被害を受けましたが、世界中の皆様からのご支援で、いまはとても元気な街にもどっています。この場をお借りして感謝申し上げます。ご紹...