2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)

2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)

January - June 2024 Cafetalk Special Event


How to vote

Voting Period

2024-06-13 (Thu) 09:00
06-23 (Sun) 23:59
Japan Time

Award Details

Cast your vote for a lesson you took during the first half of 2024 which you think is worthy of any or one specific award. You can also vote for lesson packs!

Selection Method

The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months. You can also nominate language tutors for an award category if you like!

Vote for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis, or let the world know about a new rising star you’ve discovered. Make sure to support the tutors you think deserve some recognition for all their hard work!

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page as well as displayed on the tutor's profile.

Please let us and the world know what you think about your favorite lessons and tutors!

*Leaving a comment when casting your vote is optional but highly encouraged.

Winner Announcement

June 27 (Thu), 2024 (Until 5pm JST *planned)


Participate in the lottery!

After you have voted for a lesson you can turn the lottery wheel. It's a no-lose lottery, and with some luck you might even win the top prize of 2024 points!

*You can vote once per lesson you vote for.


First Prize:
2024 Points
(23 Total)
Second Prize:
50 Points
(700 Total)
Third Prize:
10 Points
(777 Total)
Fourth Prize:
5 Points
(1500 Total)
Fifth Prize:
2 Points
(2024 Total)

Total number of possible lottery turns: 5,024

Prizes are limited in quantity. The lottery will be closed as soon as prizes run out. However, voting is still possible even after prizes have run out.

Thank you Points

If you would like to express your special gratitude to a tutor after you have voted for their lesson, you can also send them some Thank You Points.

*Please note that the Thank You Point option is only available if the tutor decided to become part of the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Programm.

*The points you send will be paid out to the tutor after a transaction fee (amount varying depending on the tutor) is deducted.

*The points used as Thank You points cannot be cancelled or refunded. Please check the amount of points before sending them.

Type of Awards

The Cafetalk Awards are made up of three different sections: The Student Vote Based Awards, the Data Based Awards, and this year for the first time a new section called "Unique Lesson Shout-out Awards".

Student Vote Based Awards

Vote for your favorite lessons and help your favorite tutors get Cafetalk awards!

You can vote for lessons of any category.

The tutors with the most votes overall will be given the Grand Prize, and the Newcomer Award will be given to several new tutors.

Additionally the following awards are given out based on characteristics voted for by the students:

  • ① Most Fun Lesson Award
  • ② Best Kids Lesson Award
  • ③ Best Lesson Material Award
  • ④ Best Conversationalist Award

Other prizes are awarded based on student votes in the most popular categories.

We are looking forward to your votes and especially your thoughts and comments about the lessons you took during the last 6 months!

Data Based Awards

These awards are given out based on data accumulated over the past 6 months.
The categories are:

  • ① Seminar Award, ② Repeater Award, ③ Online Standby Award and ④ Tutor Column Award.

Unique Lesson Shout-out Awards

This new section was created in order to give a shout-out to lessons that are unique and less well known. You might be surprised what you can learn online!

These awards are chosen based on recommendations from Cafetalk staff.
The categories are:

  • ① Intern's Choice "Interesting Lessons"
  • ② Accountant's Choice "Nice priced lessons"
  • ③ Programmer's Choice "Lessons for relaxation after focussed work"

Students' Voice

  • 韓国語テキストレッスン【中級】50min


    ***onaka | 2024-06-20
  • new!!! ハングル単語パズル☺


    ***yama | 2024-06-20
  • Ami
    ***utapuro | 2024-06-20
  • ノビノビ、伸びる韓国語『初級』


    ***9tako | 2024-06-20
  • おとな英語

    3年くらい前からMeg先生のレッスンを受けています。フリートークやグラマーをお願いしています。Meg先生は聞き上手で私がうまく英語が出ない時も待ってくれますし、さりげなくトークを盛り上げてくれています。どんなテーマでも対応できる英語力が素晴らしいなと毎回思います。 また、先生として教えている経験も豊富で、分からないことや疑問に思ったことに、きちんと対応してくださり信頼できます。 知識と経験が豊富で落ち着きのあるMeg先生のレッスンは、どの年代のどんなレベルの生徒さんにもおすすめです。

    ***o3 | 2024-06-20
  • えんぴつ習字と漢字学習☆レッスンパック10回

    先生とのレッスンは漢字の部首の話も出来るし楽しみにしています。 これからもよろしくお願い致します。

    ***oko333 | 2024-06-20
  • 日本語でニュースやコラムを読みます。


    ***1102 | 2024-06-20
  • Grammar lesson pack

    中級のテキストを使ったレッスンを週に一回のペースで継続して受講させていただいています。 テキストの本文を音読して発音や抑揚のチェックもしてくださるのですが、 先生に直される箇所が少なかった日は、 つたないなりにも少し上達している気がしてすごく嬉しく、モチベーションが上がります。 文法表現の解説や質問に対しての説明も、日本語できめこまかくしていただけるので、 疑問点を納得いくまでお聞きすることができてとてもよいです。 そして何よりもレッスンが楽しいこと!!これが継続して受けている理由だと思います。

    ***onaka | 2024-06-20
  • News Articles for Everyone!

    老師很友善 可以沒有壓力的練習英文

    ***llallend | 2024-06-20

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