Excellent tutor for learning Italian, even for learning out of the classroom because she has some learning social media accounts. Pretty good approach and conversation.
Hello, my name is Mihoko Mueller. I am a Japanese teacher with over 15 years of experience. I live together with my husband in Switzerland. Immediately after moving here I started to learn the method of teaching Japanese, which interested me all the time in my life. Soon I acquired the license as Japanese teacher in 2009. Do you like to learn Japanese for your next trip to Japan or in order to
嗨,我是 Doctor Dom!想用有趣的方式學習英語或德語並取得真正快速的進步嗎?那你來對地方了!Hit me up, and let's have a ball! (你馬上學到了兩個英語俚語「與我聯繫」和「讓我們一起度過開心的時光」的表達方式)。我是一名雙語(英語/德語)雅思(IELTS)和 DAF 講師,擁有超過 10 年的教學經驗。我擁有兩個心理學博士學位,擅長幫助你提升動力和語言沉浸感,幫助你實現個人的學習目標。我的嗜好包括語言和文化、文學和哲學,我會將這些嗜好應用在我的教學中。我的課程充滿幽默和創造力,確保你的學習旅程不但具有教育意義而且還非常有趣!忘記枯燥的理論和單調的練習;每節課都是新的冒險,充滿挑戰、遊戲和歡笑。【Cafetalk 翻譯/2024 年 8 月】(*請注意:講師本人不會說中文,便於理解本簡介由 Cafetalk 代為翻譯。)
初次见面。Guten Tag.我是Kumi 。住在德国16年了。现在,住在靠近阿尔卑斯,被自然围绕的地方。从A,B,C的发音,第一次接触德语的人,能打招呼,有接触过德语的人,或更加一步,想深入了解德语的人(初级,中级)為了想帮助以上这些人,我登录了讲师。自己,从看孩子的作业,也接触了德国人的德语教育。想说如果能加以利用,就太好了。不仅仅是教科书还有使用其他可以帮助学习的道具,让课程不再一成不变。有时周末也有时间,请预先确认日程。Ich freue mich auf Deine Meldung.(那麼,等候来自大家的申请。) English Translation: 2014.12 - The Cafetalk Team
Nice to meet you! My name is Hisako Yoshikawa, and I have been teaching piano in Japanese and German for about 18 years. I moved abroad to Germany to study music, and after graduating from music college and graduate school, I got a job at a local music school. While doing solo and ensemble concert activities, I have been teaching German and Japanese students from small children (5 years old) to a
Nice to meet you! I went to Germany without studying a word of German. I spent every single day not understanding what people were saying to me and not being able to express my thoughts, and it was really tough. After working as hard as I could every day, after one year I could understand what native speakers were saying and express my thoughts without stressing out. Now, I am currently working al
各位學員,大家好!我叫Jasmin,目前住在德國首都柏林。我在10年前左右畢業後,偶然路過這個城鎮,從此就對它一見鍾情,決定搬來這定居。柏林是個應有盡有的城市,舉凡藝術、歷史、大自然、夜生活你都能在這裡找到!我從很久以前開始就對語言很有興趣,也因此我在學校選修了英語及德語的相關課程。我本身是德語母語者,我也很喜歡閱讀及撰寫故事。我從去年5月開始在歌德學院(Goethe-institute)研修,為的是取得DAF(Deutsch als Fremdsprache=教授外國人德語的證照)。我學英語長達20年以上,還曾擔任過一年左右的家庭教師。我也在3年前開始學日語,我非常喜歡日本這個國家及文化、人民還有語言!雖然我的日語還說得不太流利,但我會持續努力學習!我是個頭號奇幻迷,我非常熱愛人魚、妖精、獨角獸或魔法相關的神奇事物,此外我也很熱衷於RPG及電腦遊戲、紙筆遊戲等。我也很喜歡音樂劇,最喜歡
Hallo liebe Freunde und Schüler!I am Jacinta Eve, I firmly believe that communication is a strength that opens doors for all of us. Mastering languages has been one of my life goals.EXPERIENCE:GERMANI am a certified Deutsch B2 TELC passer with 4 years teaching experience.I teach at a German Review Center, and I’m proud that many of my students have successfully passed the B2 Zertifikat in TELC and
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