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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →

何度もお世話になっています。 .momo.さんは、話者自身が話したことを自身で昇華できるよう、キーワードとタイミングをとらえながら傾聴してくださいます。受講後は不思議と、時間の経過とともに自身との対話がスムーズになり心が次第に軽くなっていく感覚を味わえます。いつもありがとうございます。
レッスンが終わった後に 復習できるよう、 書き込んでくださいます。 丁寧に 教えてくださる 良い先生です。
効率よく、丁寧に教えてくださる先生です。 子供をよく観察し、こまめに褒めてくださいます。 楽しく成長できる気がします!
毎回生活に密着した教材を用意してくださり、まるで英語が話せるかのような雰囲気を持ってきてくださるのでとても感謝しています。 また授業中もとても楽しく授業を受けられてとても充実しています!
伝統音楽カフェって??となんとなく、受講したレッスンでしたが、 毎回和楽器の演奏を、Fukumaru先生の素晴らしい説明と共に、楽しむことが できて、お気にいりのレッスンです。
イギリス英語の発音の練習、なかなか見つかりませんでしたが、 私の目的に合致した先生のレッスンがありとても嬉しかったです。
She is so friendly that you can enjoy talking with her even if you have butterflies in your stomach when speaking English. I highly recommend her if you want to enjoy chatting in English.
Results: 2,506 Tutors
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Categorie insegnate

Hello! I'm Saya Kawashima and I'm a soprano singer. The first time I ever heard opera, I was so moved by the beauty. I wondered how a human could produce that kind of voice and marveled at the infinite possibilities of the human body. Ever since then I have been active as a soprano singer (about 10 years). I am originally from Sapporo, Hokkaido, but I am currently living in Portland, USA. Please
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 16:00 - 21:00
Mar 09:30 - 12:30
Mar 16:00 - 21:00
Mer 16:00 - 21:00
Gio 09:30 - 12:30
Gio 16:00 - 21:00
Ven 09:30 - 12:30
Ven 16:00 - 21:00
Sab 09:00 - 12:00
Dom 09:00 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Hello, I am Arturo Sensei I am a Spanish teacher for foreigners with over 5 years of experience. My main goal is to help you achieve your Spanish objectives, whether it’s enjoying it as a hobby or obtaining the C2 certification in the DELE exam if you wish. I invite you to discover that learning Spanish is more fun than you imagine. Who am I? Graduated in Communication Sciences. I am fortunate to
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 22:00
Mar 08:00 - 10:00
Mar 13:00 - 14:30
Mar 19:00 - 22:00
Mer 08:00 - 10:00
Mer 13:00 - 14:30
Mer 19:00 - 22:00
Gio 08:00 - 10:00
Gio 13:00 - 14:30
Gio 19:00 - 22:00
Ven 08:00 - 10:00
Ven 13:00 - 14:30
Ven 19:00 - 22:00
Sab 08:00 - 10:00
Sab 13:00 - 14:30
Sab 20:00 - 22:00
Dom 20:00 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Nice to meet you, my name is Yee. Originally from Guangzhou, China, I can speak both standard Chinese and Cantonese. I have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1. I am taking an hour of online English lessons every day. My hobbies are traveling, reading, studying languages, watching dramas and movies. After graduating from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, I worked for eight ye
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 10:30 - 11:30
Lun 14:00 - 20:30
Mar 10:30 - 11:30
Mar 14:00 - 20:30
Mer 14:00 - 20:30
Gio 10:30 - 11:30
Gio 14:00 - 20:30
Ven 10:30 - 11:30
Ven 14:00 - 20:30
Sab 14:00 - 20:30
Dom 10:30 - 11:30
Dom 14:00 - 20:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Hello.I teach Japanese to Filipino students in elementary and lower secondary school and interpret for their parents. If you are interested in learning Japanese, let's study together! We start learning items around you, greeting, introducing yourself, and simple conversations in Japanese! It's fun to talk in Japanese. You will also be much closer to Japanese if you can speak Japanese. I'm also lo
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 20:30
Mar 19:00 - 20:30
Mer 19:00 - 20:30
Sab 19:00 - 19:30
Dom 19:00 - 19:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Hello!   I am a native English speaker from the United Kingdom, currently living in Cumberland, UK. I love books, libraries, and language learning.I am new to teaching English, but I have a strong interest in my native English; at the University of St Andrews, I studied English Literature, and Medieval History, and the historical language of Anglo-Saxon. Over the years, I have learnt other l
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 17:00 - 23:00
Mer 17:00 - 23:00
Gio 17:00 - 23:00
Sab 17:00 - 23:00
Dom 17:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
mi limimage
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Categorie insegnate

Hello everyone. I'm Mi Lim, a teacher who loves Japan and the Japanese language.The reason why I started studying Japanese is because I went on a trip to Japan.How about you?I believe there are different reasons why people started studying Korean: travelling to Korea, K-Pop, or for business.For students who just want to practice Korean and for students who want to seriously improve their Korean,
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 10:30 - 22:00
Mar 09:00 - 21:30
Mer 10:30 - 22:00
Gio 09:00 - 21:30
Ven 10:30 - 22:00
Sab 14:00 - 18:30
Dom 13:00 - 14:30
Dom 16:00 - 18:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Hello! Thank you for visiting my profile.I am rejoiced to be here to help you heal your soul and live a more fulfilling life.I am a licensed Advanced Psychotherapist, Psychological Counselor, and Behavioral Psychologist.In 2011, I suffered from meningitis, which left me deaf and unable to walk at the time. Since then, I have gradually recovered, and although I still have some hearing loss and numb
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 09:00 - 12:00
Lun 13:00 - 17:00
Mar 09:00 - 12:00
Mar 13:00 - 17:00
Mar 20:00 - 22:00
Gio 09:00 - 12:00
Gio 13:00 - 17:00
Ven 09:00 - 12:00
Ven 13:00 - 17:00
Ven 20:00 - 22:00
Sab 09:00 - 12:00
Sab 13:00 - 17:00
Dom 09:00 - 12:00
Dom 13:00 - 17:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

※ こちらも是非ご確認下さい。 →   English with ayako sakai   Hello, I'm ayako. 東京で育ち、高校卒業後アメリカへ留学。州立大学に4年間在籍し心理学と社会学を専攻しました。卒業後、日本で英語講師としてのキャリアをスタート。現在はインドネシア、バリ島で暮らしながら主にオンラインで英語のレッスンを行っています。MY LIFE - 生活拠点Tokyo>> the United States>> Tokyo>> Tokushima, Shikoku>> Bali, Indonesia 必要ない事、無駄な事は生活から無くし、海を身近にシンプル生活を送っています。余分なものがないと頭の中も「素」に。昭和な人間とよく言われます。BACKGROUND - 生い立ちマイペースな性格からか集団生活、周りと同じ事を
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 10:00 - 15:00
Lun 21:30 - 22:30
Mar 10:00 - 15:00
Mar 19:00 - 23:00
Mer 10:00 - 15:00
Gio 10:00 - 14:00
Gio 18:00 - 19:00
Gio 21:00 - 23:00
Ven 11:00 - 15:00
Sab 13:00 - 23:00
Dom 17:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

 ⭐︎About lessons ---English for Children---I have 7 years of experience as an English teacher for children. I also have 1 year of experience as a private tutor, 1 year as a group tutor, and 1 year as a private tutor.Mommy and meFor children from about 0 to 6 years old. Please attend with a parent or guardian. Babies love to hear their mothers' voices. If they are exposed to English with their mot
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 13:00 - 14:00
Lun 19:30 - 20:30
Mar 19:30 - 20:30
Sab 10:00 - 11:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Momo Senseiimage
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Categorie insegnate

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Orari disponibili  

Lun 14:00 Mar 02:30
Mar 14:00 Mer 02:30
Mer 14:00 Gio 02:30
Gio 14:00 Ven 02:30
Ven 14:00 Sab 02:30
Sab 14:00 - 17:00
Dom 14:00 - 17:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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