RIZA선생님 수업을 통해 비즈니스 일본어에 자신감을 갖게 되었습니다.
선생님의 수업은 단순히 비즈니스 표현을 익히는 것에 그치지 않고, 일본인이 그 문장을 들었을 때 어떻게 받아들일지 가르쳐 주는 수업입니다. 외국어 수업은 흔히 말하는 방법을 배우는데 집중하는 경향이 있습니다. 하지만 언어는 내가 말하는 것을 상대방이 어떻게 받아 들이는 지가 더욱 중요합니다. 선생님의 수업을 통해 듣는 사람의 입장에서 생각하며 말하는 방법을 익혔고, 앞으로의 일본 생활에서 큰 도움이 될 것이라고 확신합니다.
大家好,我叫曾凱琪。我來自澳門,現在住在台灣桃園。我在澳門高中畢業後,就來了台灣念大學,我念的大學是國立政治大學的中國文學系。由於我從小就很喜歡當小老師去教別人,而來台灣後又發現很多人都對廣東話很興趣,於是我就有了想教大家講廣東話的這個想法,我來了台灣4,5年,中文已經能講的很流利了,所以我的課程大致上都用中文去教,but if you are from the other places and cannot understand Chinese, I can teach in English to let you learn Cantonese easily. (๑•̀ω•́)ノ在台灣這4,5年我發現廣東話跟中文去比較的話,有些用語上廣東話的說法會比中文來得有趣,像是在形容一些比較誇張的情況,我們的形容會變得比較千奇百怪,但解釋完後又能讓人很容易去記憶跟理
Maho Ogawa Pilates Instructor Maho is a movement artist and Pilates practitioner originally from Japan. Having sustained repeated ankle sprains and lower back pain from dance training in childhood, she looked for a better way to use her body and found Pilates the most suitable for its functionality. Maho is a Kane School graduate and has taught Pil
Hello Everyone, my name is Keiko. I am from Japan, and have over 20 years of teaching experience ranging from teaching in Japan, Australia, and Malaysia. I have taught in schools, adult education and in private tutoring or group lessons and across different age groups. I am a very friendly, enthusiastic and patient teacher who strives to meet the abilities, interests and needs of the students. I
Hallo! My name is Emily and if you are looking for creative ways to improve your German speaking or writing skills you came to just the right place. I would describe myself as patient and open-minded, and my experiences in different fields of life, such as biology, music, theater and more, helpful to understanding the person I talk to and adapting to their needs. Teaching Experience
Hello! I am KUMI YOGA, aka yoga instructor KUMI. When I was a university student, I experienced mental and physical distress, which led me to yoga, and I realized that yoga not only engages with your body, but it engages with your mind as well. With a strong desire to share with others the experience of facing oneself’s feelings, being fulfilled, and feeling a sense of fulfillment through y
Hi everyone. Nice to meet you. I am Sumi, a Korean language tutor on Cafetalk. I am a Korean living in “Tokotan” town in Aichi Prefecture. “Tokotan” town is right next to Chubu Central Airport in Aichi Prefecture, and is well known for its ceramics. The town’s streets are popular and always crowded with tourists. “Tokotan” is the name of the town&r
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Ako. T
Joan EY
Lan J.
Tess K.
S.L Kang