English Symposium - Pride Month 2023: Queer Media: Let’s learn about the diversity of gender and sexuality through pop culture media 
				English Symposium - Pride Month 2023: Queer Media: Let’s learn about the diversity of gender and sexuality through pop culture media


English Symposium -
Pride Month 2023:
Queer Media: Let’s learn about the diversity of gender and sexuality
through pop culture media

Three Cafetalk tutors will each introduce a book or tv series of their choice. By seeing someone else’s lived experience through pop culture media we can see what the world looks like through the eyes of a different person. For people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community it can help them feel understood to see themselves reflected in characters on screen or on paper. The tutors will introduce: 1. a coming of age story for teenagers, 2. a novel that has become a cult classic, and 3. a comedy-drama that is based on a real story.

Five lucky students will be selected from the comments during the live stream. The winners will receive a 500 point present after the stream, so don’t forget to comment!


June 13 (Tue), 2023 19:00~ (JST)

免費 / 60 分鐘



● 參與講師 / 主題 ●

  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe- A Coming-of-age YA Novel
    Maynk (he/him, they/them)
  • Changing the Game in Contemporary Queer Literature
    Lauren J. (they/them)
  • "Feel Good" - a British semi-autobiographical comedy-drama
    Gem C (she/her, they/them)
Pronouns in English: Why do we display pronouns (he/she/they) next to the tutor’s name?

In the English language pronouns refer to short words that are used to substitute (replace) a noun or noun phrase and who are referring to someone named or understood in the context. Pronouns in English are: I, You, It, She, He, They, We

There is no specific look for every man, woman or non-binary person. While people might dress in a certain way that is common for people of their gender, not everyone does.

By stating our pronouns regardless of if we are transgender, cisgender, nonbinary and/or intersex, we can address people the way they want to be addressed and normalize not making presumptions about how other people identify or what pronouns they use.

Learn more about Pronouns in English (PDF)

Learn more about LGBTQIA+

Hosted by Cafetalk staff Madeleine!

  • Cafetalk staff Madeleine

    Madeleine (she/her)


・・・ 時間一到 ・・・







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