Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Open! Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Open!


About the German Speech Contest

Cafetalk's German Speech Contest is a boost for those who learn German online to have fun
while further motivating themselves to learn German, and to feel the joy of their knowledge coming to life.

Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Points


Sending the video



Review by tutors

・Three popular German language tutors will review the videos and all participants will receive comments on their impressions.


Result announcement!

・Cafetalk points will be awarded to the winners of the Excellence Award and the Honorable mention Award in each of the two categories.

得獎者將會獲得 Cafetalk 點數!

Script Category:

  • Excellence Award: 5,000 points & Award Certificate
  • Honorable mention Award: 2000 points

Free Composition Category:

  • Excellence Award: 10,000 points & Award Certificate
  • Honorable mention Award: 5,000 points

*We will also mail the Award Certificate if you live outside of Japan.

Speech Topic: The place I most want to visit in Germany

Beginners - Intermediate Level: Cafetalk Original Script Category

Please memorize the text of the script prepared by Cafetalk and give your speech.

The script can be found here (An audio version will be sent to participants)

Advanced Level: Free Compositon Category

Please write your own text about the speech topic and give the speech.

Regardless of the number of words, speeches must be no less than 2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes in length.


3 位來自 Cafetalk 的超人氣講師將會提供演講內容回饋、優點及建議。


錄製演講影片、將影片以「不公開」設定上傳至 YouTube 並提供連結。

  • A. 表達性(表情、語調與節奏等)。佔 50 分
  • B. 技巧性(措辭與發音等)。佔 50 分

Script category entries will be judged based on A. Expression

Free composition entries will be judged based on both A. Expression and B. Technical skills.

最終評分採用 3 位評審的中間評分,不計最高及最低評分。


每位參賽者皆可獲得講評回饋 ♫


You will receive a message that will surely be beneficial to you as you continue learning German. Please look forward to it!

Speeches selected for the Excellence Award will be posted on Cafetalk at a later date.

Only the audio of the winning speeches will be available on the German Speech Contest announcement page for a limited time.

Outline of the Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest

報名開始日期 from June 3, 2024
影片提交期間 June 3 - July 15, 2024 (23:59 Japan time)
評審期間 July 16 - July 31 2024
結果揭曉 Scheduled for August 7, 2024
宣傳管道 Cafetalk 網站、各大社群帳號及新聞稿
參加資格 Anyone, regardless of age
報名費用 2,000 點
報名名額 20 名,依報名順序受理

Cafetalk 線上日語演講比賽申請要點



Do don't need to submit your real name or picture.

The video submissions will only be viewed by the judges and won't be published.

Only the audio of the Excellence Award winning video will be published for a limited time, including the initials of the participants username. (approx. for 1 month)


送出報名表單後,我們將發送付款資訊信件至您用於註冊 Cafertalk 帳號的電子信箱地址。

請依信件說明支付報名費用 2,000 點(含稅 2,200 日圓)。支付方式可任選使用信用卡、銀行匯款(僅限日本銀行)、PayPal 或樂天 Pay。




The script category is approximately 2 minutes in length, and the free composition category should be 2 to 3 minutes in length, although there is no word limit.




Points will be gifted to the two winners of the Excellence Award and they will receive an Award Certificate.

每位參賽者皆可獲得評審回饋的 PDF 檔案。將於結果揭曉後統一寄送至各參賽者的電子信箱地址。

