Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Open! Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Open!


About the German Speech Contest

Cafetalk's German Speech Contest is a boost for those who learn German online to have fun
while further motivating themselves to learn German, and to feel the joy of their knowledge coming to life.

Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Points


Sending the video

・Participation is by video submission, so students abroad can also participate


Review by tutors

・Three popular German language tutors will review the videos and all participants will receive comments on their impressions.


Result announcement!

・Cafetalk points will be awarded to the winners of the Excellence Award and the Honorable mention Award in each of the two categories.

Winners will receive points!

Script Category:

  • Excellence Award: 5,000 points & Award Certificate
  • Honorable mention Award: 2000 points

Free Composition Category:

  • Excellence Award: 10,000 points & Award Certificate
  • Honorable mention Award: 5,000 points

*We will also mail the Award Certificate if you live outside of Japan.

Speech Topic: The place I most want to visit in Germany

Beginners - Intermediate Level: Cafetalk Original Script Category

Please memorize the text of the script prepared by Cafetalk and give your speech.

The script can be found here (An audio version will be sent to participants)

Advanced Level: Free Compositon Category

Please write your own text about the speech topic and give the speech.

Regardless of the number of words, speeches must be no less than 2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes in length.


Three of Cafetalk's most popular tutors will evaluate your speech and send you a critique sheet
with good points and advices for the future.

Screening Method

Record a video of your speech, upload it to Youtube with "unlisted" as privacy setting
and send a link to the video.

  • A. Expression (facial expression, inflection, rhythm, etc.)
    50 points
  • B. Technical skills (vocabulary choice, pronunciation, etc.)
    50 points

Script category entries will be judged based on A. Expression

Free composition entries will be judged based on both A. Expression and B. Technical skills.

The average scores of the three judges, rounding down the highest and lowest scores, will be used to determine the Excellence and Honorable mention Awards.

In case of a tie, the total score will be taken into account to determine the winner.

You will definitely get a review from the judges ♫

Popular German language tutors will provide feedback comments for each person.

You will receive a message that will surely be beneficial to you as you continue learning German. Please look forward to it!

Speeches selected for the Excellence Award will be posted on Cafetalk at a later date.

Only the audio of the winning speeches will be available on the German Speech Contest announcement page for a limited time.

Outline of the Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest

Entry period from June 3, 2024
Video Submission Period June 3 - July 15, 2024 (23:59 Japan time)
Screening Period July 16 - July 31 2024
Results announcement Scheduled for August 7, 2024
Announcement On Cafetalk website, various SNS, press releases
Eligibility Anyone, regardless of age
Participation fee 2,000 points per category
Number of participants Up to 20 people, on a first-come first-served basis

Cafetalk Online German Speech Contest Application Guidelines

*Please be sure to read this before entering.

【About the entry】

Do don't need to submit your real name or picture.

The video submissions will only be viewed by the judges and won't be published.

Only the audio of the Excellence Award winning video will be published for a limited time, including the initials of the participants username. (approx. for 1 month)

【About the payment】

After submitting the entry form, we will send payment instructions to your Cafetalk registered e-mail address.

Please follow the instructions and pay 2,000 points (2,200 yen tax included). Cafetalk Points can be purchased by credit card, bank transfer, Paypal, or Rakuten Pay.

Please acknowledge that, in case of cancellation after payment, points will not be refunded.

【About the submitted video】

Please film after the date of entry. Previously recorded videos cannot be submitted.

The script category is approximately 2 minutes in length, and the free composition category should be 2 to 3 minutes in length, although there is no word limit.

Photography can be done with a smart phone. Please make sure the recording angle is horizontal and the camera is fixed so that the hands and face are clearly visible.

*Videos will be viewed by the tutor only during the screening process and will not be made available to the public.

【About testimonials and extra prizes】

Points will be gifted to the two winners of the Excellence Award and they will receive an Award Certificate.

All contest participants will receive a PDF of the judges' comments via email.

Recommended lessons for speech and composition preparation

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