Tutor Comment 여러분 안녕하세요^^ 쥬쥬입니다. 皆さんのおかげで2020年下半期カフェトークアワードで大賞を受賞することができました。投票をして下さった皆さま、心から感謝申し上げます。このような素晴らしい賞を2回も頂けたことをとても光栄に思っています。これからも皆さんが韓国語に一歩近づけるように、常に研究する姿勢を持っていたいと思います。これからも、よろしくお願いいたします。
Tutor Comment Dear students, Thank you all for choosing my lesson and for placing your trust in me in your learning French. For several years, I have had the chance to meet wonderful people and spend excellent moments thanks to you. Thank you so much ! I wish you all a great holiday season and a wonderful 2021.
Tutor Comment I am very honoured to receive such a prestigious award as the Cafetalk Grand Prize during the award season this year. This is all because of the students who took my lessons. Thank you very much! It hasn’t been long since I became a Japanese tutor, but I can feel myself growing alongside my students every day. I hope to continue helping all of you to improve your Japanese and look forward to continuing working with you in the future.
Tutor Comment Thank you for your votes, dear Cafetalk students! I am humbled by this award. Teaching English is something that I enjoy tremendously, and to be honored for doing it is extremely satisfying! Your motivation to learn makes teaching that much more pleasurable. Keep up the hard work!
***raku, ***n718293, ***3, ***omi0403, ***imo, ***adaKaoru, ***ko, ***22LeungFung, ***egx16, ***ISS, ***es79, ***omi728, ***rediprimavera, ***ki., ***0370_na, ***ina Yu, ***iyumiso, ***a_nagumo, ***opekoe, ***i_tokyo, ***omi, ***iko, ***ARU.A, ***eyo, ***aka.U, ***akoH, ***iY, ***A526, ***ile_, ***osiko, ***iYURI, ***akiM, ***u6, ***ako, ***, ***HL12, ***a05, ***achon, ***amt, ***riiiii, ***iko, ***0130☆, ***yakiyip, ***a0045m, ***5, ***acfairy, ***u04, ***kin, ***ahana_2020, ***OMAMA
Tutor Comment このたびはこのような素晴らしい賞を頂き、大変嬉しく思います!いつもレッスンをご受講を頂き、そして投票して下さった生徒の皆様、ありがとうございます。これからも生徒の皆さんが楽しくそろばんを学べるようにお手伝いをさせて頂ければと思っています。今後ともよろしくお願い致します。