Becoming an Online English as a Second Language Teacher - My Journey

Mello B

The 21st century more affectionately called the common era is not without its overwhelming drawbacks like global warming and a growing concern towards terrorism. However, on the lighter side of things was the sudden growth in popularity of the internet and with that the birth of new jobs notably the virtual teacher. 

Here’s how I got into this amazing career. Immediately after University I started working in the business sector. What followed was three years of dealing with customer concerns that took a toll on me. Then came the mild depression. Although at the time it didn’t feel very mild. I started to seek a way out of this unprofitable 9 to 5 life that could barely pay my bills. A friend of mine heard about a job that at the time sounded too good to be true. All I had to do was use my native English abilities to correct and guide people living in Asia from the comfort of my home, over the internet of course. Yup it really did sound too good to be true.

My first online tutoring job was with a Phillipino company in 2016. This was my first real exposure to Asian culture and I loved every moment of it. I soon started to seek out other ventures as I wanted to transition into a full time ESL Teacher. Next I started working for a Chinese company, the pay was significantly better and I was able to quit my 9 to 5 and become, wait for it .................... A Virtual Teacher. From there the possibilities were endless. I started discovering new online English schools while continuing to build my skills as an ESL Teacher.

I soon realize that I had developed a unique passion for what I did. So of course the only thing left to do was to become more qualified for my new and exciting career. This lead me to enroll in a TEFL certification program. I now have both 160 hour TEFL masters certificate and a 40 hour (TEYL) teaching English to young learners certificate. I didn't want to stop there as my bachelor's degree was in business administration I wanted get more qualified in the educational field. I applied for my masters in educational measurement at the University of West Indies and got accepted. I will be starting in January 2020. Guess where I will be doing it? Online of course!

So three and a half years after it all started I am now living in Japan still pursuing my online ESL career while simultaneously working as an English teacher in junior high school. The big takeaway from my journey is this and I am quoting Tom Peters ""If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." 

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