Mango Muse - Keeping healthy and fit

每週主題: My Country/Town is Actually Famous for 〇〇!

Louise MK


Sunday 2nd May 2021

Welcome to my weekly 'Mango Muse' tutor column where I will share my news, my delicious Mango Muse bites!

My first Mango Muse bite is about how I try to keep healthy and fit through doing Zumba.

Residents within the local subdivision can participate in Zumba on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at eight o'clock in the morning in the clubhouse. 

Doing Zumba was a healthy initiative which a group of neighbours started in November 2020, as a way to help us keep fit and lose weight, so that we could still eat tasty snacks!  

I consider myself very fortunate to have the opportunity each week, to exercise while dancing with a group of friends.  We also have the added bonus of exercising while being able to look at beautiful views, as our clubhouse is next to the sea!  After each Zumba session we pose for a group photo.  

At the beginning of each month, we pay a small subscription, which goes towards saving up for a new TV.  At the end of the last Zumba session of the month, we weigh ourselves.  If we have gained weight, we have to pay a small penalty.  If we are the biggest loser because we lost the most weight, we win a prize!  I am happy to say that so far, I haven't had to pay any penalties! 

There are healthy benefits to doing Zumba, which are not just physical.  Taking part in our Zumba sessions has taught me a few lessons, but I would like to share two points of reflection.  

Firstly, perserverence and discipline are key to facing challenges.  In my first Zumba session, last November, I had to sit down after each segment.  It was so tiring and hard to keep going!  However, the weekly sessions eventually increased my endurance and stamina, so sitting down or sitting out was no longer necessary.  

Another point I would like to share is that starting Zumba has helped to build and develop positive relationships within the local community, which has been a pleasant antidote to some of the challenges created by the pandemic.  

Have you been able to exercise during the restrictions caused by the pandemic?  What healthy habits have you started or tried?

I would love to talk to you more about my Zumba experience and hear about your own efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle.  

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading my first Mango Muse bite!  Speak to you again soon!
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