50 common English phrases to use in conversation Part (2)

Ian Wilde

50 common English phrases to use in conversation

Part (2)


Common phrases for agreeing



‘That's so true!’

or ‘That is so right!’

‘I agree 100%!’

Or ‘100%!’which is very informal.

‘I couldn't agree more’ 

‘Tell me about it!’ (Very informal). You're not actually asking anyone to tell you anything, you actually feel the same way.


Common phrases for disagreeing


We normally do this in a polite way!

‘I'm not so sure about that’- 'so' is very important here


‘That's not how I see it’, or ‘I don't quite see it like that’


‘Not necessarily, not necessarily!’


‘I can't really agree with you there.’- almost sarcasm


Common phrases to end a conversation a lightly


‘Well, it was nice chatting to you.’


‘Right!  I need to be going.’


‘Right, I must be off.’ - said normally looking at your watch


Common phrases for saying goodbye


‘Speak (to you) soon.’


‘Send my love to your family’- it is still goodbye


or ’Send my love to Mary,’ if you live with an individual


‘Right, bye-bye, I'm off!’  (my favourite!)


‘You take care now’ - very American


‘Have a good one!’– ‘1’ means nothing!


And, talk to you later / soon.’



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英語   母語程度
拉丁語   日常會話程度
法語   日常會話程度
泰語   只能說一點
阿拉伯語   只能說一點


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