A Note to Language Learners...........

Tutor Mercy

Well, anyone would tell you how learning a new language is a journey; it doesn't happen in a single day but takes consistent efforts over time. Here are a few things I would like to share from my experience teaching English about the mistakes you should not make. This applies not only to learning English but learning in general.

# Don't compare yourself with other learners.
It is common for us to look at others and feel they're much better than us. We all start somewhere and you should be proud of yourself. Give yourself credit for every single concept you've mastered.

#Don't be disappointed if you don't see quick results
Sometimes, you feel like you've learned something new but you don't really seem to see change in your language yet. It takes time to see the results and as for the vocabulary that you build, even if you don't use it actively, you will be able to recall the word in the particular context.

# Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself
When you do this, you might be under pressure and feel disappointed when you don't achieve them. A little everyday definitely goes a long way and there's no need to rush things. Set realistic goals in an achievable timeframe and work towards it.

# Don't be afraid of making mistakes
Making mistakes is actually a sign of progress as it shows that you are trying and putting in the efforts. With the help of your tutor, you can make necessary corrections and your language will improve.

#Don't doubt yourself
It is natural to start having doubts when we don't see progress as expected. Before you start learning a language, write down why it matters to you and how this can change your life. Look back to this whenever in doubt. It's more of your confidence that influences learning. Believe in yourself.


Business English

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泰米爾語   母語程度
英語   接近母語程度
印地語   日常會話程度
韓語   只能說一點


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