Fun Rainy Day Activities

Lisa D.

Rainy days are great! Do you agree? I always try to focus on the positive aspects and appreciate the different types of weather. Even though rainy days can sometimes interrupt our plans, there are plenty of enjoyable things to do during them.  Here are some fun ideas.


1.   Bake something delightful! Is there a recipe you'd like to try? A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to experiment with a new and exciting recipe. How about learning to bake a flawless pie crust or perhaps some delightful cookies?

2.   Tidy up and organize a closet! Do you have clothes that you no longer wear or that no longer fit you? A rainy day is an excellent time to declutter your closet, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment once you're done.

3.   Complete a crossword puzzle! Try tackling a challenging crossword puzzle, and you might even pick up some new vocabulary along the way! A rainy day provides the perfect chance to do this.

4.    Host a Board Game Marathon! There are various games suitable for everyone, but Scrabble or Bingo are favorites across all age groups. You can enhance the fun by adding prizes for the winner, such as gift cards, candies, or even a slice of pie!


5.   Attempt meditation! Clearing your mind through meditation offers numerous benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and anxiety levels. It can also contribute to a happier, more optimistic outlook on life. A rainy day provides an ideal opportunity to truly relax.

Enjoy your rainy days!


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  • Saki_0724

    What an empathetic story this is! I totally agree with you. When it comes to a rainy day, our feelings get down and we tend to focus on negative aspects. But as you say, there is a good opportunity to do something special and new on a rainy day. You present five activities that interest me a lot. In Japan, the rainy season is just around the corner. I want to try all of your suggestions during the depressing days. Thank you for a informative and interesting column! I really enjoyed it.

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