Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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zain Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi zain please introduce yourself!

A. Hello I am Zain. I am Syrian and I live in Egypt for more than eight years. Since I was twelve years old, I was living away from the family for science. I got specialized in the study of Arabic and Islamic sciences at the Institute of Imam al-Nawawi in the city Maarrat al-Nu’man a famous city in Syria. Since I was a child I liked the works of the poet Abul’Ala Al-Ma’arri. I loved poetry so much and I started writing poetry when I was 13 years old. After I finished my studies at the institute, I moved to Egypt and studied at one of the oldest universities in the world. At Al-Azhar University I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic and Arabic Sciences. Since then I have worked in Egypt for more than five years as an Arabic Language instructor for non-Arab students. About my personality: I write poetry and work on some of the books in a variety of topics like love, wisdom, married life, philosophy and logic. I am a simple person and I love people and I love to help others.

Q. Please tell us something about Egypt.

A.Egypt is a country that does not need a definition. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with interesting history and science. It is a wonderous country, where you find all the contradictions. Some of the most famous landmarks in Egypt are Pyramids and Sphinx Pharaonic temples in Luxor Muhammad Ali Pasha Castle, Castle Alexandria The resort of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada The great Nile River and agricultural fields It is located on two seas: Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

Q. How do you spend your days off? Is there anything you’ve gotten into lately?

A. I spend my free time reading and writing poetry about various topics. And I like to think of everything, and sometimes spend some time with friends. My hobbies reading, writers, climbing and jumping sport.

Q. If you would explain to a beginner student why Arabic is an interesting language to study, what would you say?

A. language to study, what would you say? Arabic is the language of reason and logic. A person who has mastered Arabic opens new horizons of knowledge. It’s a sport for the mind and the tongue. This language sounds like singing. The characters are very decorative. Arabic words enter the heart and touch the soul. The French scholar, Ernest Renan (1823-1894), who carried out extensive research on Semitic languages, said about Arabic: “The Arabic language is the most astonishing event of human history. Unknown during the classical period, it suddenly emerged as a complete language. After this, it did not undergo any noticeable changes, so one cannot define for it an early or a late stage. It is just the same today as it was when it first appeared”.

Q. You have now been teaching Arabic for 5 years? What motivated you to become a teacher?

A. Because the Arabic language was born with me when I entered this world. I have the talent to explain the Arabic language and understand it since it is my mother tongue! I saw the beauty of this language and I want to share this beauty with others!

Q. What are you most careful of when you teach your students?

A. I’m always trying to give students a sense of an easy lesson. I do not want the student to feel bored during lesson. The student is my friend. I try to show them a glimps of another life and another world during the lesson, then we forget where we are and sharpen our minds and our souls in another world.

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for our students?

A. Maybe you think too much before you met me. But you will wish that you had met me earlier. That’s what happens with every person who met me at the first time!! Try meeting new people, discover a new language in a new way!


