Last Updated At: July 19 (Updated every other Friday!)

category image Other Feedback Rankings

Based on student feedback received over the immediately preceding period.

Из: В:

 Thank you for visiting my profile.  I specialize in teaching Japanese, and I also connect students with Japanese language instructors through Cafeta

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“When you transform your face, you transform your life” Why don’t you train your facial muscles using Facial Yoga to achieve your i

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(photo: my home classroom for the past 20 years) Greetings from Shikoku...私は1996年に初めて来日し、1998年から日本で英語を教え始めました。現在は主に、日本のメーカーでTOEICやビジネス英語について教えています。自宅

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category image Other Most Repeated Rankings

Based on volume of requests from the same student over the immediately preceding period.

Из: В:

Hello. I've been involved in work requiring the use of my voice and words for about 20 years now. Considering I've accumulated experience in a wide v

Из: В:

 Thank you for visiting my profile.  I specialize in teaching Japanese, and I also connect students with Japanese language instructors through Cafeta

Из: В:

Nice to meet you! I am Sana, and I work as a personal coach.I currently reside in the United States.After graduating, I worked for a major manufactur

Из: В:

Hi! I am an American linguist with two university degrees, one teaching certificate and lots of experience teaching and learning languages. My profes

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オンライン教師を始めたいけど不安がある人へ→「自分の魅力をアピールできるオンライン日本語教師」にコーチングします! 海外での日本語教師歴15年、420時間日本語教師養成講座の講師もしているアヤコです。Cafetalkで既に色々な言語などを学ばれている皆さん、こんなことを感じたことはないでしょうか?

category image Other Trending Tutor Rankings

Based on volume of new students over the immediately preceding period.

Из: В:

Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

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Hello, I’m teacher Sarah! In my lessons, I will be offering the following lessons: ◉ Full-fledged 【acting】 and 【singing】 instruction that I have give

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ブログ:(勉強やキャリアについて) (旅する先生)生き方を見つけるお手伝い:お仕事図鑑)

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【ご挨拶】こんにちは!Fruitful Life FP相談室です。ファイナンシャルプランナー(FP)として、「お金に関する知識(お金リテラシー)を増やすためのレッスン」を開講しております。アラフォー・アラフィフの方は 昨今の「2000万円問題」などを見聞きして老後資金について、ご心配の方や情報から

Из: В:

  Hello everyone. My name is Nagano and I currently reside in Kochi Prefecture. Greece has a long history as the cradle of Western civilisation a

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