Support your child's mental development with Abacus lessons! Private Abacus Lessons

Being able to successfully calculate depends on a child's memory, ability to concentrate, discernment and ability to process new information. Building an effective foundation of these skills has been part of Japanese education - fostered by "Abacus".

Because learning via Abacus feels like solving a riddle by playing a puzzle game it has become very popular in fostering the mental development of children around the world - and on Cafetalk you can take Abacus lessons from the comfort of your home, no matter where in the world you are!

Why Cafetalk makes sense.

Even if you are absolute beginner, Cafetalk will support you with free counseling
so you can start with no worries!

One on one lessons

All lessons are private so you can customize the lesson to fit your needs.

Always get access to free counseling to help you with your studies.

We'll support you 100% so you can concentrate on learning.

Anytime, anywhere!

You can learn from anywhere, anytime making it perfect for the busy student

Recommended Online Lessons

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未就学児童向け:そろばんレッスン 30分

okunaga mayumi

30 Mins / 1,000 Pts

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20 Mins / 800 Pts

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個人レッスン15分週2か週3をお勧めします。どうしても週1ですと次のレッスンまでに忘れてしまい、もう一度繰り返して覚えていただくことになり、本人も続かないケースが多いです。楽しく進んで行く為に、ご家族でご相談ください。zoomで行います(ID,パスワードはご予約後にお知らせします) 問題プリントを...

15 Mins / 600 Pts

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毎時00分あるいは30分でのご予約をお願いします(例:14時、14時半、15時、15時半・・・)そろばんで簡単な計算が出来るように練習していきます。数字の書き方から、そろばんの基本的な使い方・弾き方まで学んでいきましょう☆《25分レッスン 対象者》・幼稚園・保育園にお通いの方・小学生・そろばん初心...

25 Mins / 1,200 Pts

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初めて そろばん 


そろばん塾のように進めていきます。楽しくステップアップしていきます。※ 継続されて10級に進まれる場合、このレッスンで引き続き申し込みされても大丈夫です。※ 体験の無料も ございます。

15 Mins / 500 Pts

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25 Mins / 1,300 Pts

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30 Mins / 1,200 Pts

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