The interesting and beautiful Japanese language ﹆﹆﹆JUKUJIKUN﹆﹆﹆


 ****日本語好きの方は是非是非 読んでくださいね*****

英語(えいご)は26字のアルファベットで、すべての単語(たんご)が書(か)けるけど、漢字(かんじ)は何万字(なんまんじ)もあるから、読(よ)んだり、覚(おぼ)えたりするのは大変なんです。それでなくても 大変なのに、熟語(じゅくご)の中には 当て字(あてじ)や 熟字訓(じゅくじくん)という 日本人(にほんじん)も 意外(いがい)と 読(よ)めない 熟語(じゅくご)があるんですよ。今日(きょう)は、その一つ、熟字訓(じゅくじくん)のお話をしますね。

In English, there are 26 letters of the alphabet.Every word is written with the 26 letters of alphabet. On the other hand, threre are tens of thousands of KANJI used in the japanese language. Even as Japanese people,we find it difficult to learn how to read and write a lot of Kanji. Today I'll show you  some examples which have irregular readings from among a number of Kanji. 

*Here are the irregular kanji readings called JUKUJIKUN*

大人(おとな)⇒adult (It's not pronounced おおびと)
神楽(かぐら)⇒one of the old performing arts involving ritual means of praying to the gods
五月雨(さみだれ)⇒an early summer rain(It's not pronouced  ごがつあめ)
時雨(しぐれ)⇒a shower in late autumn or early winter(It's not pronoucedときあめ)
流石(さすが)⇒That's great! That's amazing!(It's not pronoucedりゅうせき)

私(わたし)も 携帯(けいたい)を 使(つか)いだすまで、流石という漢字(かんじ)を 知(し)りませんでした( ̄▽ ̄;)


Do you know HAIKU?
HAIKU is the shortest poet in the world which conveys human emotions and describe nature.
HAIKU must have a seasonal word called "KIGO". 五月雨 and 時雨 are the seasonal words.

美(うつく)しい、 そして おもしろい 日本語を、 一緒(いっしょ)に 学びませんか。
Let's learn beautiful and interesting Japanese language.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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