What kind of shoes do you like the most?

Weekly Topic: I want to buy these shoes next!

Beth S

I used to prefer boots but now I prefer trainers (UK) / sneakers (US). Although I really like shopping, fashion and buying new things, at the moment, I am trying to shop less. 

I know that fast fashion has a very bad impact on the environment and the people who make these clothes and shoes are not treated well. 

That's why the next pair of shoes I would like to buy are Vejas. These are "vegan" leather trainers. They are made using environmentally-friendly materials and the people who make them are given a fair wage. However, they are quite expensive. They cost around 20,000 yen. Do you think this is a fair price for ethical clothing? For me, it' worth it. 

fast fashion - clothes and shoes that are cheap and thrown away after a few uses 
bad impact - negative results / consequences
vegan - not made from animals or animal products
environmentally-friendly - doesn't harm nature or the environment
fair wage - a salary that allows people to live a normal life 

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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