思い出がよみがえる曲:The music that brings back memories of...

Weekly Topic: Memorable music for you

Kyoko O.


一[ひと]つはジュリア・フォーダム(Julia Fordham)さんの「Happy Ever After」です。この曲[きょく]をラジオで初[はじ]めて聞[き]いたのは15歳[さい]の時[とき]で、まだインターネットもなく英語[えいご]も全[まった]く分[わ]かりませんでした。当時[とうじ]この曲[きょく]が流[なが]れた時[とき]、落[お]ち込[こ]んでいた気持[きも]ちがスーッと軽[かる]くなって泣[な]いたのを覚[おぼ]えています。曲名[きょくめい]も歌手名[かしゅめい]も聞[き]き逃[のが]していて、何十年[なんじゅねん]も分[わ]からなかったのですが、数年前[すうねんまえ]に偶然[ぐうぜん]わかった時[とき]は嬉[うれ]しくて、更[さら]に歌詞[かし]がわかった時[とき]は本当[ほんとう]に感動[かんどう]しました。

もう一[ひと]つはTears for Fearsの「Everybody Wants to Rule the World」です。その時[とき]は学生寮[がくせいりょう]に住[す]んでいて、部屋[へや]で夏[なつ]の暑[あつ]い日にオレンジを切[き]っていました。開[あ]けたままにしておいたドアから他[ほか]の学生[がくせい]が聞[き]いていたこの曲[きょく]が流[なが]れ込[こ]んできました。涼[すず]しげなメロディーとカットしたオレンジのいい香[かお]りがあまりにも心地[ここち]よ過[す]ぎて、暫[しばら]く動[うご]きが止[と]まっているのに気付[きづ]かないくらいでした。今[いま]でもオレンジの香[かお]りを嗅[か]ぐとこの曲[きょく]が頭[あたま]の中[なか]によみがえります。


(*Some of my English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese)

I have two memorable/ unforgettable songs that I still listen to sometimes.

One is "Happy Ever After" by Julia Fordham.
I was 15 years old when I came across the song on the radio for the first time. I remember that I was feeling down, but then when I heard this song, I felt relieved and started to cry. At the time, I missed the name of sing and singer, and had not been sure of them for a few decades. However, when I coincidentally found them several years ago, I was so happy, furthermore, when I understood the lyric, I was really moved.

The other is "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears.
At the time, I lived in a dormitory, and I was cutting an orange in the room on a hot summer day. The music that a student was listening to came into the room through the door that was kept open. The refreshing melody and the pleasant smell of the cut-up orange were so comfortable to me that I was not aware of myself pausing without consciousness for a while.
Whenever I smell oranges, the fragrance of oranges reminds me of the music.

I think our thoughts tend to resonate with music or lyrics.
I feel as if the music were a compass with which we can understand our thoughts better.
This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.
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