Tried and tested study method.

每週主題: Your Recommended Study Method

Naeema Hoosen

I have been studying for more than 10 years on my own via correspondence. I had a journey of joy,tears,anxiety and happiness. I want to share some of my experiences that helped me along the way. Some things I have learned from other students from their experiences. As they say, experience is the best teacher. Here we go, here is the golden words.. 

  • Wake up early, eat healthy food
  • Set a time table for study, work and play
  • Keep an achievable goal for when you are studying and for an exam. For example: I want to eat a chocolate or ice cream after completing a module / section.
  • Write down your notes, do not type it. Writing it helps your mind and will help you to retain the information
  • If you are at university or college, write down the modules you have completed and what you need to complete to finish your studies. This is important if you are studying from home or on your own...
  • Use rosemary essential oil to smell (this helps for memory)
  • Pray to God or the divine being you have faith in
  • Keep believing you have a positive mindset, you will get there!!
Do you have any method that you would like to share? 

Please let me know in the comments!



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英語   母語程度
烏爾都語   流利
阿非利堪斯語   日常會話程度
阿拉伯語   日常會話程度
土耳其語   日常會話程度


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