I struggle with English when I have to explain my project


"I struggle with English when I have to explain a project or when I am required to speak on a particular subject"

"I get blank stares from everyone when I speak in English"

"Is this because I do not know enough English words?"

"Or perhaps, I sound too complex!"


There is a mix of possibilities why your message hasn't been conveyed clearly in English. Sometimes, explanations need to be simplified and so, providing too much information can overly complicate the message you wish to convey.

At other times, it might be due to a lack of appropriate vocabulary to articulate what you wish to say in a simple and clear manner. This is where English for specific purposes can help you.

This sort of English lesson(or lesson pack) is designed to help you communicate in English within a specific setting where you may be required to perform a specific role. Some examples of these "roles" are given below:

Conduct a meeting as a chairperson

Speak to medical staff within a medical setting as a medical supervisor

Provide a historical explanation about a place to tourists in your capacity as a travel guide

Speak to customers in a sales office as a salesperson

Handle complaints from customers in a work environment


In such situations, a specific English lesson pack can be customized to BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY within the specific situation or setting you need to work within. Scenarios can be designed to simulate the situation you are likely to face in order to enable you to practice communicating in English through role plays.


Speak with me through an English Consult session, to have your specific English Lesson Pack designed to meet your needs so that you communicate better for tomorrow!

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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Consult Sessions for English Study

30 min
2,500 баллов

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Английский   Native
Малайский   Proficient
Тамильский   Daily conversation
Китайский   Just a few words

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